
Safety at Blucor

Blucor Contracting, Inc. safety program is successful because of its integration with our construction process, from what jobs to bid through final completion and approval. Employee involvement on all levels is what makes this possible.

Training and Communication

Our training begins at the hire process. Every new employee watches videos dealing with general construction safety and safety relating to our type of work. Each employee completes a Safety Orientation sheet detailing out their understanding and responsibilities of safety for themselves and their fellow workers. As the new employee moves to the job site, the foreman works closely with them or assigns a mentor to work with them to assure that the work being done is performed in a safe and efficient manner.

At least weekly, each jobsite holds a “tailgate safety meeting” where the job is discussed from a safety standpoint, any possible hazards are considered, and solutions formed to assure that all work is done without harm to anyone at or near the job site. If the scope or type of work changes, the work stops until a safety analysis can be done and all employees are trained in the correct procedures. An occasional additional safety meeting is held to cover general topics, accidents/injuries company wide, and general safety procedures.

Each job is inspected daily by the foreman to assure that conditions did not change overnight, causing an unsafe situation. Corrections are made first thing before any employees work in the area.

Job sites are inspected on a regular basis for any possible safety violations or other dangers. These inspections are carried out by both Blucor safety personnel as well as outside safety consultants. In addition all Blucor foremen have received OSHA-10 construction safety training and some have completed the OSHA-30 training.

Team Member Involvement

In addition to safety training, we approach safety from the “why be safe” viewpoint. That is we focus on the reasons we want and need to stay safe: the families who love and depend on us, the friends we enjoy spending time with, our health, livelihood, and the ability to do our favorite activities.

In the unfortunate case of an accident the safety manager, foreman, employee(s) involved and others all work together, not to place blame, but to correct conditions to assure that this type of accident does not happen again. This often involves drug testing, medical reports, and site condition reports of the accident and the events that led up to the incident.

All job site employees are required to contact supervision if they believe that an unsafe condition exists. Employees are never told to work in what they believe may be a dangerous condition.

The Bottom Line

There are always challenges to safety in a number of forms, most notably the urgent job. Our project managers work with clients to ensure urgent requests for work also allow time for proper planning of safety precautions such as Blue Stake or special safety equipment for that job. It is our goal and motto that no job is so important that it can not be done safely.